

“Jones does a lovely job with the contrasting roles of Aunt Em and the Wiz. She opens the musical (after a delightful overture with off-stage singing) with the heartfelt “The Feeling We Once Had,” a beautiful tribute to the relationship between an adult woman and her growing child (even when she is an aunt and not a mom). In that role, Jones is down-to-earth and pure Kansas. When she returns to the stage as the Wiz, she is completely altered—she brings power, pizzazz and an otherworldly aura to the intimidating character. She transforms again later in the musical and captures all the flavor of a Gospel song in the middle of the Emerald City. ”

- Bridgette Redman, Encore Michigan

Memphis the Musical 2020, Playhouse on the Square

“When I was a very young performer in a musical, one of the leads told me he wasn’t talented enough to be in the ensemble. At first, I thought he was making a joke, but he was dead serious. He went on to say that he didn’t have the talent to sing or dance as well as most people who make it into the ensemble and I now I know what he meant.”

“A strong ensemble member is a great singer AND a great dancer (and maybe even a great actor), while most leads in musicals are usually just (but not really just) strong singers or actors. Memphis has a strong ensemble of singers and dancers and when they dance, their energy is so infectious, you’ll want to get up and dance with them—I say, go ahead!”

- Kevin Shaw, Focus MidSouth


Head over Heels, Circuit playhouse 2019

“Ultimately, the credit goes to the outstandingly committed ensemble, which goes all in, and never loses site of what Head Over Heels is supposed to be (and never tries to be anything else). "

- Chris Miritello, Broadway World


2018 WILDE Awards Best Actress Nominee, The Wiz